Last year, the UK Government (Department of Transportation) launched a public consultation to investigate future options regarding MoT testing on classic vehicles.
Under the current rules, any classic vehicle built before January 1st, 1960 is exempt from the annual MoT test. The options include:
The government is also proposing that vehicles which have been ‘substantially altered’ will not be exempt from the annual MoT test. Results of the 2016 consultation will be published later this year on the UK government website at In the meantime, for advice on classic vehicle MoT testing at Haywards Girton Garage, call Steve on 01223 277949 (cars), or Nick on 01223 276128 (bikes). Despite the snowy cold weather there was a great turnout of RE aficionados! Repeat event on Easter Saturday.
Yes it's still on for the very tough!
Meet from 11 am on Saturday 11 February at Haywards, Huntingdon Road, Cambridge CB3 0LQ for a bacon butty and close up view of the Haywards range and projects underway. Andrew and Stan and the team at Haywards are preparing a great presentation of machines and a bit of history of the oldest garage complex in Cambridge. You’re welcome by bike, push bike, car, bus, train, taxi or drone and you’ll meet like-minded aficionados from our area and beyond AND you’ll get the inside information on Royal Enfield from the horse’s mouth (i.e. Dave Stanley ‘Stan’) |
December 2024